Byproductsの意味や使い方 副産物 約1176万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。発音・イディオムも分かる英語辞書。副産物(ふくさんぶつ、英 byproduct)は、「主産物の製造過程から必然的に派生する物品」 である。 主産物との区別は「企業における会計処理の慣習による」 とされるが、基本的に、価値が高いほうが主産物、低いほうが副産物である。 主産物と副産物の需要の変化により、副産物と主産物1000万語収録!Weblio辞書 byproduct とは意味副産物,(思いがけない)副次的結果 例文a byproduct of inflammation 「byproduct」の意味・例文・用例ならWeblio英和・和英辞書
3年かけてたどり着いた英語記事を読むための方法 Qiita
Byproduct 意味
Byproduct 意味-Byproduct → byproduct アルクがお届けするオンライン英和・和英辞書検索サービス。 byproduct の使い方と意味 byproduct → byproduct byproduct英単語 byproduct の意味・覚え方・発音。byproduct 意味 副産物 a secondary and sometimes unexpected consequence 二次的で時に予想できない反応
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Byproduct (複数形 byproducts) A secondary or additional product ; 過去のコメントを読み込む Slinkyinmotion 17年4月日 英語 (アメリカ) You may mean the word byproduct It is a single word A byproduct is the result of something "Good hygiene is the byproduct of good parenting" NOTE Byproduct usually is an unexpected result too You may mean the word byproductロングマンビジネス辞典より byproduct ˈbyˌproduct (also byproduct) noun countable 1 MANUFACTURING something produced during the process of making something else, especially during an industrial process Bran is a byproduct of the milling process 2 something unexpected or unplanned that happens as a result of something
A gas byproduct G enters a trap 30 from an inlet 32, and temperature distribution is caused in the gas byproduct G flowing in the trap 30 例文帳に追加 ガス副生成物Gが入り口(32)から捕捉器(30)に入り、捕捉器(30)内を流れるガス副生成物Gに温度分布を発生させる。Byproductの意味・和訳。名詞副産物(例文)a secondary and sometimes unexpected consequence英検公式!英検対策に役立つ英和・和英辞書礦渣卡迪夫的儀器所產生的低氧副產品 All plastics are the byproducts of petroleum 所有塑膠都是石油的副產品。 It ' s french for meat byproduct 那是法文肉類食品的意思 A useless or worthless byproduct , as from a manufacturing process 廢品生產過程中等產生的無用或無價值之副產品
Definition and Terminology Joint production is a production process that yields two or more products in a single production run CoProduct Valuable material generated during a production run together with other valuable materials ByProduct Product that is produced incidental to the production process of other productsByproductとは意味 'baiˌprɔdʌkt byproduc 詳しい意味はこちらAs a byproductとは意味 副産物{ふくさんぶつ}として 詳しい意味はこちら
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Byproduct 意味, 定義, byproduct は何か something that is produced as a result of making something else, or something unexpected that もっと見るSomething produced , as in the course of a manufacture , in addition to the principal product 索引 用語索引 ランキングByproductの意味 byproduct /ˈbaɪprɑːdʌkt/ Roberti also said corruption was a byproduct of organized crime in both countries, and that "Italy and Albania share a common interest in fighting organized crime and corruption, which appear to be increasingly connected"
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Product 意味, 定義, product は何か 1 something that is made to be sold, usually something that is produced by an industrial process もっと見るA coproduct is produced along with with the main product and carries equal importance as the main product Whereas a byproduct is not a planned product and is produced after carrying out the process eg ethanol is a byproduct of a sugar industry U need to define both in BOM Coproduct must have costing value, must have a settlement rule and
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